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Existing Client: Launch Stage
Existing Client: Marketing Stage
As the name suggests, the Local Citations and Backlinks team focuses on two key segments: They are creating backlinks and location citations related to listings and profiles.
The team's goal for backlinks is to get one or more backlinks pointing back to each of your service/procedure pages. If we had a magic wand, we would like 100% of your website pages to have at least one backlink pointing back to it.
It would be easy to blindly submit dozens or hundreds of backlinks and call it a day, but we strive for quality over quantity. This is why we focus on identifying sites that allow a backlink to be submitted and then filter out sites that do not pass our selection criteria (secure, pages indexed in Google, relevancy, Google Lighthouse evaluation). Like everything else, we do this all manually.
Once a backlink is submitted, it does not mean it will be published or recognized by Google. We need to follow up with the website admins to get it approved and published. Even after it's published, we must wait for Google to recognize and list the backlink in Google Search Console's backlinks reporting tool.
What this means is that unless Google recognizes the backlink, we don't count it.
To put this in perspective, consider the following example; we submit 100 backlinks; after following up with the site admins, only 30 backlinks get published. A month later, Google may recognize only 10 of those backlinks. Several weeks later, Google may recognize another five backlinks but ignore the rest. So, 30 backlinks are published live, but Google recognized only 15.
This is another reason we don't use third-party reporting tools. In the above example, a third-party report could see all 30 backlinks, but Google only sees 15. At the end of the day, what Google sees is what matters.
Finally, the team also routinely checks for bad backlinks and removes them. How can a backlink turn bad? A site that hosts a backlink can be mismanaged, spammed, or blacklisted in terms of SEO, and then any backlinks coming from that website are considered as bad. So, the team consistently looks for and removes bad backlinks.
The second focus of the team is to create local citation-related profiles and listings. Since there are different types of local citations, below are the types of local citations that we focus on creating for your business/practice:
The team would start building local citations and backlinks only in the marketing stage.
As always, we appreciate your input and help you have given us so far. We have seen more new patients calling us who found us on Google, visited our site, liked the layout and what they saw, and decided to call. Some even from across town, which is about 20 miles. So you and your team are doing a GREAT job !!
- Dr. Doug B
We just finished designing our second website with Ekwa and we love it! Everyone works very well together and any questions we have are answered thoroughly. The teams have so much knowledge to share with us, making for a very positive experience.
- Dr. Justin S
Years of innovative leadership
in digital marketing for doctors
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to growing your medical practice
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