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Web Stories

Social media story templates for brands and blogger

A Web Story is a mobile-optimized feature created by Google that offers a format and features similar to the stories you find on your favorite social network. A Web Story can contain a collection of pages (think of it like pages in a book). Each page can include text, video, and images that are created according to a specific format, optimized, and then added to your website.

Reference: https://stories.google/

Though Web Stories are designed for mobiles, they can certainly be embedded into the desktop version of your website as well.


In the samples, you will notice the content is extremely short, and the images are simple yet eye-catching. You will notice how similar Web Stories are to posts you see on social media.

Web Stories can be used to promote almost anything, so long as it's interesting and engaging. Below are some scenarios in which a Web Story can be created

  • Expert advice
  • Lists (10 things you didn't know about the practice /benefit or 5 things you didn't know about a particular service or procedure)
  • Answers to frequently asked questions.
  • Myths and Facts about a particular service or procedure
  • Promote a Video
  • Offers/Promos

Why are Web Stories Important?

  • It helps increase the website's reach because Web Stories can be shown in Google Discover. What is Google Discover?

    Reference: https://moz.com/learn/seo/google-discover-seo-best-practices

  • It helps boost the rankings of the overall website.
  • Because Web Stories are visual, it can help get more click-throughs from search engine result pages.
  • It can drive website engagement-related metrics higher, which would give Google a clear indication that the website is more relevant.
African American Girl using iPhone 12 smartphone pressing finger, reading social media


This service is only implemented in the marketing stage.

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