Did you know that 80% of people who are unable to reach your office via phone will not leave a voicemail and simply hang up?
Reference: https://www.smiledog.io/missed-calls
Regardless of how fast your team responds to "Contact Us," "Appointment Request," or "Ask a Question" form submissions, some users assume that they will not get an immediate response and want to engage in some sort of real-time conversation, even if it's scripted and limited.
The apparent solution is to set up a chatbot. There are multiple chat options, such as live chat and AI-powered chatbots. However, at Ekwa, we realized that these two options have some shortcomings.
We had the highest number of new patients in Sunbury so far this year in April. Our team at Ekwa is definitely on to something and we thank you all for your hard work. Looking forward to being in the number one spot on Google for Sunbury!
- Dr. Terry R
I am watching everything and am very excited and impressed with the progress Hanaa. Thank you for your creativity in spearheading our makeover.
- Dr. Paul E
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