NAP is all about maintaining the correct and consistent Name, Address, and Phone number across the web. Even duplicated profiles, though they may contain consistent information, it needs to be merged or removed.
Some may consider it insignificant to have different phone numbers, addresses, or names, but just a few of these inconsistencies can harm your overall growth.
A) There is no way to identify or fix NAP inconsistencies automatically. While a few tools claim to find NAP inconsistencies, they are very limited and, in most cases, erroneous. This is why at Ekwa, we use dozens of different search terms in Google Search to manually find what's consistent and inconsistent. Based on this strategy, we can find as many 100+ results. Most online tools will only find 20-25 results at most, and again, at least 20% of them are inaccurate.
We review each listing/profile we find, and if any inconsistencies are found, those pages are claimed and verified (if not already done), and inconsistencies are corrected.
B) Corrections are almost never published in one go. They require multiple verification steps and follow-ups before the relevant site admins/algorithm will approve a change. So, one simple correction can take weeks or months to be corrected and published online.
C) In today's online world, almost everything is interconnected. Signals and data are passed from one platform to another. So, one profile with inconsistent NAP information could spread to other platforms, and soon, you could end up with dozens of profiles/listings with inconsistent NAP-related information.
This is best illustrated in the Local Search Ecosystem graph:
Even if the team spends ten months working on fixing your inconsistencies, a few inconsistent profiles or listings can be created automatically at any time (based on incorrectly scraped data or because a user shared incorrect information about your business or checked into a wrong location and tagged your business). These innocent few mistakes can sprout more and more inconsistencies, and your overall NAP consistency score can fluctuate over time.
This is why the NAP teams work, much like most other online marketing areas, is considered a never-ending marathon: You have to be at it consistently.
Though the team can claim and correct inconsistencies on their own for the vast majority of online profiles and listings, there are some instances where your assistance is required.
The team will conduct an initial NAP consistency check in the launch stage, and except for a few key profiles/listings, the vast majority of inconsistencies will be worked on in the marketing strategy.
The teams at Ekwa Marketing understand the methods needed to get your website noticed. Thanks to their work on Google Places, almost 2000 local, potential patients found me through local search results on Google maps. Ekwa Marketing's knowledge and professionalism, combined with their personal approach set them apart, and using their services will set your website apart from your competitors.-
Dr. Mary L
Ekwa Marketing has over 65 experts dedicating 110 plus hours every month to help grow my online presence. Due to their tireless efforts, my website traffic has grown tremendously. I now consistently receive over 3,000 organic visits each month, of which 2,500 or more are new visitors.
- Dr. Edmund K
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